Hey folks, this is issue #11 of the digest.
Browsertech SF
This past week we ran our first Browsertech meetup outside of NYC, in San Francisco. I’m really happy with how things came together.
The Drifting team also demoed a couple things we’ve been working on.
Today we launched DriftDB in an attempt to radically simplify the infrastructure required to build multiplayer apps. Here’s a demo video.
- Tom MacWright (of Placemark) joined val.town, and published a great post about life and risk and building as a solo bootstrapped founder.
- Automerge 2.0, a CRDT library similar to yjs, was released. The team has really focused on performance improvements since v1. Yjs was beating Automerge at the CRDT race, but it looks like Automerge is worth another look now.
- Suhail (formerly of Mighty) has been sharing demos of a targeted AI-based image editor he’s been making.
Phew, that was a lot of links. I’ll be back to commentary next week. Until then, take care.
-- Paul